
Consulting with a special "+"


CMP continues to help partners outside of contracts and consulting mandates to operate successfully in their markets.


For a need that goes beyond this naturally partnership-support and for even more market companions, we have established a new solution package with CMP consult+.


With CMP consult+, we offer technology-open, non-discriminatory digital consulting services in practical consulting packages, develop customised strategies and business models for clients and identify business opportunities in the digital field.

Advantages and Your benefits

Longstanding digital experience

We offer extensive expertise and many years of experience in the digital industry to work with you on sound advice and solutions.


Practical recommendations for the next steps and the necessary setup for digitisation and transformation projects.


We give you access to our broad business network of partners and experts to exploit synergies for innovation.

Efficiency &

We support you in implementing efficient processes and identifying innovative new business opportunities.


Good to know…

Discover the comprehensive consulting packages of CMP consult+. With decades of experience in the digital industry, we develop customised digital strategies and business models for you.


Our team of experts is at your side as a contact and strategist to identify and develop your individual business opportunities in the context of digitalisation. We offer technology-open and non-discriminatory consultations as well as co-creation with valued partners and efficient solutions from other market companions.


Trust in our analytical expertise and draw on our broad pool of experts for IT and technology issues. Let us drive your digital transformation together.


Pre-Feasibility Videocall

In a short video call session, our experts take their questions within "Active Listening".
Based on their experiences they will give you a 1:1 direct feedback on how to set up a suitable digital project and what might be the efficient next steps..

FREE - one-time 30 minutes video call


As-is analysis, concept, goals

We record relevant aspects of the ACTUAL state, define a TARGET state, followed by feasibility checks and conceptual necessary cornerstones, definition of resources for implementation, among other things.

Calculation by
man day


Execution and result

Within the chosen implementation setup, the different execution resources work together and CMP takes over the agreed orchestration and control. We focus on a holistic point of view and will ensure a high grade transparency.

Calculation by
man day


Summary & Review & Recap

At the end of a consulting block, we go through the consulting project with you: initial situation, the goals, experiences made from planning and implementation, the results. Further steps and measurements might be agreed.

Calculation by
man day

Consulting Packages

Our Offer



eMobility Consulting
with a special „+“

The needs of users in the context of electromobility are extremely diverse. It depends on the routines and living environment of the individual user. At home in single-family or multi-family houses, residential quarters, at work, at sports, briefly shopping, park & ride or during church services – the list could go on. Which setup is right for you?

In addition to the many regulations, ordinances and laws, there are often other opportunities to combine electric shops with other digital services to create an event experience.

Market Entree DACH

Market Entree eMobility
DACH / Europe

The e-mobility business is a global business. What are the current trends, what moves the market, what challenges do infrastructure providers / hardware / module or system component manufacturers expect?

In addition, there is a lot of momentum in regulations, ordinances and laws. Based on these and other influences – also with regard to consumer and user behaviour – there are further challenges but also opportunities.

We accompany and support you in the development of your DACH/European business with our expertise and our extensive company network. Especially interesting for expanding international companies.



Digital Transformation

Digitalization-, Transformation- and Sustainability-Programs

Advice and project support for their projects. This ranges from research and a skills matrix, through strategic advice for management, to further support with mentoring and mediation.


More support, clarity, orientation and structure for your digitalisation and transformation project, practical recommendations for the next steps and the necessary setup for implementation.


Innovation Programs

Innovation workshops can be used to create a culture of change. It is not always easy to establish something new in companies and organisations, but with this innovative practice it is easier.


The structures offered by our workshops or meetings help to implement ideas and build new processes by involving employees from the beginning – in a practical way. Innovation and ideation workshops and methodologies, business model canvas, personas, ad-libs’, business cases; pricing/licensing models and much more …


Accompanying management, teams and companies in uncertain times.



Treten Sie in Kontakt

* Pflichtfelder

Werksstudent (m/w/d)

Als Digital Native fühlst du dich zu Hause in der Welt der IT und/ oder digitalen Medien und/ oder eindrucksvollen Contents? Du hast Spaß daran deine Motivation und Kreativität auszuleben und zu verschiedenen Digital-Projekten zuzusteuern? Du hast Organisationstalent und Freude daran neben Deinem Studium auch schon in der Berufswelt mit durchschnittlich so ~15-20 Std./ Woche Verantwortung zu übernehmen?


Dann sollten wir uns kennenlernen!
Wir, das ist die Cross Market Places GmbH mit Sitz in Osnabrück in den Räumen unserer Muttergesellschaft. Wir begeistern unsere Kunden mit digitalen Produkten SaaS/ PaaS, sodass sie Business-/ und Process-Intelligence in ihr Geschäft integrieren oder ganz neue Geschäftsfelder starten können. Auf unserer Reise haben wir noch viel vor und dazu brauchen wir Menschen, die Lust haben an diesem Erfolg teilzuhaben.


Dein Job/ Deine Aufgaben

Du bist Teil von den Teams, die an neuen Produkten arbeiten, oder laufende Projekte betreuen. So wirst Du je nach Deinen Vorkenntnissen, Deinen Interessen und dem jeweiligen Bedarf eingesetzt. Hier hast Du die Möglichkeiten Dich einzubringen, Dinge zu bewegen und gleichzeitig ganz viel Erfahrung bei Experten zu sammeln.


Dein Profil

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