
Make your energy data visually recognisable.

With the CMP xMonitor solution, we offer our partners a growing visualisation module for their company-specific data. This data is collected from different hardware components and is intelligent filtered and finally visualised in a suitable way. This is where it is really needed and it brings added value to you.

Display of CO₂ savings

Representation e.g. in tonnes and potentially planted trees

Easy Integration in your environment

Connectivity is done in the most possible efficient way

Digitalization made simple

Keep the overview about all your energy consumption

CMP xMonitor

Functions, Features and Process

Based on the ActiveDB software from bill-X GmbH, energy flows such as inflows, outflows and other processes are clearly tracked. The conversion of the data for alternative representations such as CO₂-savings in potentially planted trees, or simply in tonnes can run on the selected formulas in consultation with the customer. 

Our service is the provision and management of the application software, which runs on a simple IPC (Industry PC) or directly on the company server. Data is obtained and utilised both from the local environment and, if required, from external and third-party providers.


Functions & Process

Setup from the local infrastructure software solution ActiveDB
  • CMP takes over the individual configuration and setup from the necessary ActiveDB software on the local IPC (industry PC) or the existing company server
  • Pull-/ Push data connectivities are relaized with our partners together – customized to your needs and for your personal data dashboard
Design/ Layout – also used to display CO₂ reduction in a sufficient way
  • The modular technology setup from our White-Label 3D visualisation enables a cost-efficient and smart way of attractive, transparent and value generating displays of energy flows and the usage environment
  • Modular in the setup for ofiice buildings, production lines and specific hardware-/ productions-sections, and on top of this also modular in displaying certain energy-services
The basic system as START for further digital development and expandation to other company processes
  • As a local basis module with a propper ActiveDB Licence further Services can be conntected later suplementary(e.g. eMobility charging infrastructure with our CMP eCharge solution)
  • Addtionally intelligent solutions for cost-center-management is possible, to ensure a a clear and transparent cost allocation between different company departments. .Furthermore the public presentation from these data, or to have propper reports and compressed data can be a true value for the comapny as well.
Next Digital Steps – „We say YES to digitalization!“
  • CMP xMonitor is the easy access to your digital future, to show your employees, partners and the entire market your responsibility to handle energy and to improve your company processes for our all future
  • It could be seen as a "starter-kit" for digital energy management. Further services from us and/ or other 3rd party service can be intergated where possible and needed.


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Dann sollten wir uns kennenlernen!
Wir, das ist die Cross Market Places GmbH mit Sitz in Osnabrück in den Räumen unserer Muttergesellschaft. Wir begeistern unsere Kunden mit digitalen Produkten SaaS/ PaaS, sodass sie Business-/ und Process-Intelligence in ihr Geschäft integrieren oder ganz neue Geschäftsfelder starten können. Auf unserer Reise haben wir noch viel vor und dazu brauchen wir Menschen, die Lust haben an diesem Erfolg teilzuhaben.


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